Wednesday 22 May 2013

Beckham calls it a day

Just after the news Alex Ferguson is retiring from Football, Beckham drops a bombshell he is also retiring. Could this be a coincidence or simply Beckham wanting to overshadow Fergie?

The future seems bright for Beckham, although this is the end of his footballing career, it has been reported his unique appeal will last at least 20 years.  As after all he is the only English player to win championships in four countries.

David Beckham retiring from soccer

Consequently for Beckham and his empire, companies will be competing and mithering Beckham to endorse their products or brand. But who will he choose? His previous endorsement deals range from Diet Pepsi, Samsung and Marks and Spencers.

So whats next for Beckham?  His own fashion range like his wife Victoria perhaps? Anything he does is sure to be a success, due to his large following and the icon he has become over his footballing career.

It is rumoured that Beckham is lined up with a £20 million role as an ambassador for sky television. As well as a £50 million deal which he has signed to become an ambassador for the Chinese super league.

Whatever ambassador or endorsement roles Beckham chooses, he is set to make a fortune out of his retirement. 

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hidden anti-abuse campaign

 Will the message encourage response? 

A new anti-child abuse campaign has incorporated a concealed messaged through cleverly using lenticular. This technique allows the poster to be seen in two different angles, a lower view for children under 1.3 metres and a different message for the adults.

This “secret” message to children reads, “If somebody hurts you, phone us and we’ll help”. Encouraging children to pick up the phone and respond if they are being beaten.  Yet the message to those taller reads “Sometimes child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it”


The large images used on the billboards are hard hitting and effectively communicate the message to both parent and child. Showing an unhappy child to the adult, and a beaten up child to the children. This billboard display can be seen as an affective piece of PR. As it is direct and persuades both parent and child to become aware of the situation they are involved in.

However is the widespread PR around the campaign seen as a negative?  As the billboard has had various press coverage in the news, for instance BBC and daily mail. It does bring up the topic of child abuse and enables people to come forward as there is an increase in PR around the problem of child abuse.

Yet with this coverage could it make the adults/abusers deter the child from ringing the helpline? Or distract the child from looking at the sign? It could be questioned that too much coverage isn’t always a good thing.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Branson’s airhostess transformation

Coincidence or a clever tactic?  

Just weeks after Virgin employees complained about their new uniform, describing their blouses as to “flimsy” and “revealing”, Richard Branson dresses up as an airhostess.  Is this coincidental or a clever PR stunt?


Although Virgin is dealing with the problem regarding the blouses, issuing vouchers for the employees to buy undergarments, so they don’t feel uncomfortable. This negative PR regarding employee’s discontentment could have an affect on the brand image.

But beyond that, Sir Richard Branson has taken matters into his own hands by dressing up as an airhostess on board a flight. After losing a bet with AirAsia boss Tony Fernandes a rival company to Virgin.

This adds to a list of Branson’s publicity stunts, which include driving a tank down New York’s Fifth Avenue, in 1998 to promote Virgin Cola. Or when he dressed up as Elvis Presley to promote the direct service from London to Las Vegas in 2003. Virgin is a regular feature within the press and Branson is a significant figure in the media.

So is this simply good timing, or is this a clever PR stunt burying the “bad news”?  It has not yet been revealed what the bet is. Virgin is being portrayed as honest and reliable as Branson is sticking to the wager. He is using his celebrity status to detract people’s attention from last weeks story.

 The attention of the original negative story regarding the blouses is almost forgotten, due to Branson. The face of the brand has turned a negative story into a humorous light-hearted way to promote his brand. And by making a joke out of the matter is he suggesting that if Branson can wear the uniform why can’t his employees? 
